What are your shipping times? 
I ship ONCE a week! I pack orders every Monday and ship out every Tuesday! When there is delays I will announce it on my Instagram but I am very good about shipping on time!

Do you sell on any other website? 
Yes! I actually started Veestoria Shoppe on Etsy and opened a Shopify about a year or two ago. Etsy is more expensive and has many limitations so I don’t have all my product there. Your best bet is shopping here on my website where I have ALL my product and prices are cheaper! I do sell on BOTH websites but recommend buying through here!

What are your return policies? 
I do NOT accept returns. If you have a problem with your order please email me at veestoriashoppe@gmail.com and I’ll do best to fix the issue whatever it may be! Please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Are you open to commissions and doing personal art?
I am currently not accepting commissions or requests for personal art! Sorry!