About Me
Hallo! Welcome to my About Me Page. I figured I gotta add one of these eventually so here it is! :P

I am Veev! I started Veestoria Shoppe officially in 2017! I run this small business of mine part time and I am currently also a part time barista. :-)
Veestoria is a name I made up using a street name I seen around (Astoria St.) and the first letter of my real name Vivian - VEE. Thus I created the Kingdom of Veestoria oooooo way back in 2010 is when the concept was first born.
I have an Associates Degree in Animation and a Bachelors in Illustration. Before going full time I used to be a Barista and worked at a movie theater as a lead and cafe worker for a very long time!
I have an Associates Degree in Animation and a Bachelors in Illustration. Before going full time I used to be a Barista and worked at a movie theater as a lead and cafe worker for a very long time!
I am a fan of all things cute and spooky and been into anime since 2006 when I was introduced to it by an old best friend in middle school. I used to collect hella Mangas and in fact still have my collection! Halloween is my favorite holiday and I’ve been vegan since 2007. These are big parts of my identity ngl.
I launched Veestoria Shoppe with the intent to create art of things I love and to bring happiness and cuteness to people’s lives around the world with my art. Wearable art is freaking awesome and I’m happy to create it for you guys!
My first ever project was making Decoden Phone Cases and then I got introduced to the world of Enamel Pins where I launched my first ever Kickstarter project with the BuzzFeed Unsolved Boys and have had many successful Kickstarters since then!
I am now dipping my hands into the world of bags and hope to make many more bag designs in the future!
Thank you for taking the time to read about lil’ ol’ me! <3